Movie Review : Kingdom
“Kingdom” was released in 2019 and the genre of the movie is live-action based on anime. Shinsuke Sato is the director of this movie, and the original author is Yasuhisa Hara. The main casts are Kento yamazaki who plays “Shin”, Ryo Yoshizawa who plays “Hyo”, Masami Nagasawa who plays “Yotanwa”, and Kanna Hashimoto who plays “Karyoten”. In this way, it is no exaggeration to say that everyone is the protagonist, and the individuality of each character is strong. There are many impressive sub-characters other than these main characters, which are so interesting that you cannot miss them even for a moment. This movie is a story that aims to show the unification of China when “Shin” and “Hyo” became the generals of China in the event of “Kanata” in the country of western China during the warring states period in 245 B.C.. I had never read the original manga, so I enjoyed watching this movie without expectations. To be honest, I was not interested in the content before I watched it, but I wa...